Doc society's Impact field guide
Widely considered the “impact bible” for anyone new to the impact space. Find helpful tools, strategies, and a case-study library through Doc Society’s comprehensive online impact guide. Visit the site
There is no standardized approach to impact strategies, just like there is no standardized definition for what people mean when they use the word. We believe rigorous, research-based strategies, like the ones we employ, will help build consensus about what storytellers means when they say “impact,” and what they should expect from impact specialists.
In the meantime, we are happy to share resources we have found useful for exploring, funding, and measuring impact through storytelling.
View our processWidely considered the “impact bible” for anyone new to the impact space. Find helpful tools, strategies, and a case-study library through Doc Society’s comprehensive online impact guide. Visit the site
A feature length documentary eco-thriller revealing the dangerous fight to save the world's most endangered marine mammal - the vaquita.
The "Oscars" of the Natural History film industry and global conference bringing together the world's leading filmmakers, broadcasters, commissioners, and emerging talent.
1-Hr BBC and PBS television program with a parallel impact campaign with the Emerging Wildlife Conservation Leaders program focused on laying the groundwork for a CITES Appendix II listing of giraffe
ComSciCon is a series of workshops on the communication of complex and technical concepts organized by graduate students, for graduate students. Attendees meet and interact with professional communicators, build lasting networks in all fields of science and engineering, and write and publish original works.
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Explore the university’s program for a wealth of information about science communication best practice and real-world applications in film/television, digital exhibits and museums, and through creative nonfiction writing.
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Professor Michael Dahlstrom conducts interesting research on science communication, media, and storytelling which is relevant to those interested in understanding the academic foundation for work in the impact space.
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Read the following peer-reviewed articles
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